Lake Success - Bridgeport & Stratford, Connecticut
Lake Success - Bridgeport & Stratford, Connecticut
Lake Success - Bridgeport & Stratford, Connecticut

As Sporting Goods Properties, Inc. (SGP) completes environmental cleanup of the site, it seeks to create a balanced redevelopment that allows for significant conservation of undisturbed natural areas along with low-impact, renewable energy development on portions of the property that were previously designated for industrial use. Site remediation and restoration efforts are designed to facilitate the sustainable redevelopment of the Lake Success property and the preservation of its surrounding ecological assets. 

At present, the land use plan calls for 369 acres of conservation space and 50 acres of renewable energy. Corteva is interested in transferring the property to a new owner who will be its long-term steward. It is currently conducting outreach to qualified entities that can maintain and protect the property while providing educational and nature programs for the benefit of the community.